Virtualbox Additions Windows 98 Microsoft
Since this is now became a common request by many, I decided to write a tutorial about Windows 9x (95/98/98SE/Me) usage on VirtualBox. Forenote: Windows 9x is not officially supported by VirtualBox team, which means, that it lacks Guest VM Additions, and it runs slowly, because VirtualBox is not optimized to run Win 9x. Installation - I won't cover here in detail, except few points.
Most CD-ROMs available for Windows 95/98 are not bootable, which means, that you must boot from DOS floppy, install DOS first and only then install Windows 95/98. Download Sonic Youth Daydream Nation Rar. *It does require DOS skills* Official bootable CD media is starting from 98SE. So if you're newbie, you should use Windows 98 SE bootable CD. Proma Joomla Business Template.
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