Component Based Software Engineering Heinemann Login
REPORTONSPECIALIZED PROCESS MODELSUNDER TAKEN BY:SIDDIQA ZAHRASUPERVISED BY:Mr. INAYATULLAH KHAN DURRANIIN THE NAME OF ALLAHWHO IS MOST GRACIOUSAND MERCIFULTable of Contents:1. Specialized Process Models.1.1 Component Based Development.1.2 Unified Process Model.1.3 The Formal Methods Model.1.4 Aspect-Oriented SoftwareDevelopment.2. Comparison Among SpecializedProcess Models.3. Comparison of Specialized processModels with other Models.1.Specialized Process Models:A considerable amount of ti me i s spent deter mining requirementsbefore any software is written. A feasibilit y study, requirement elicitation andanalysis, requirement validation, requirement reviews, and requirementsmanagement, occur first.
For Component-Based Software Architectures. Heinemann, J. Kofron, and F. Seminal work in the area of software reliability engineering [1]. Wallnau (Eds.) Component-Based Software Engineering 9th. Coverage spans a range of topics related to component-based software. CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Component-Based Software Engineering. Upper Saddle River. CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Component-Based Software Engineering: putting the pieces together.
Various artifacts such as acti vit y diagrams, classdiagrams, and use cases are created to model systems requirements. Systemmodels -context models, behavioral methods, data models, and obj ect modelsare developed bas ed on requirements showing operational, f unctional, andbehavioral characteristics of the system.
Bef ore any coding begins architecturaldesign is created showing the structure of data and program components andalso component -level design is created to de termine if soft ware will wor k asplanned. This shows t hat with software engineering a considerabl e amount ofdesign and modeling wor k happen, which may take months, bef ore any attemptis made to create the software.Special process model s take on many of the char.
Component level design • 1. COMPONENT BASED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING1 • Introduction2 • What is a component? • A component is a basic building block for the computer software. • It is a higher level abstractions defined by their interfaces. • It helps in achieving the objectives & requirements of system to be built.3 • Definition for a component A famous definition proposed by Council and Heinemann:: “Component is a software element that conforms to a standard component model and can be independently deployed and composed without modification according to a composition standard.
“4 • Characteristics of component Standardized Independent Composable Deployable Documented5 • STANDARDIZED A component used in a CBSE process has to conform to a standardized component model. The model may define: component interfaces, component metadata, documentation and deployment.6 • INDEPENDEND It should be possible to compose and deploy it without having to use other specific components. In case of need of external service these should be explicitly set out in a ‘requires’ interface specification.7 • COMPOSABLE All external interactions must take place through publicly defined interfaces. Also it must provide external access to information about itself such as its methods and attributes.8 • DEPLOYABLE A component has to be self contained. It should be able to stand alone entity on a component platform that provides an implementation of component model.9 • DOCUMENTED Components have to be fully documented so that the users can decide whether or not the components meet their needs. Each and every details of the component interfaces should be specified clearly.10 • Software Component An individual software component is a software package, a Web service, or a module that encapsulates a set of related functions (or data).
Software components are modular and cohesive. Components communicate with each other via interfaces. Component based development embodies good software engineering practice.11 • Component level design establishes the algorithmic detail required to manipulate data structures, effect communication between software components via their interfaces, and implement the processing algorithms allocated to each component.12 • Essentials of a CBSE Independent components that are completely specified by their interfaces.
Fico Xpress Optimization Suite Student Edition more. Component standards that facilitates the integration of components. Nfs Underground 2 Save Game Editor.
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