Where To Xbox 360 Games Jtag
Jun 23, 2010 This is a tutorial on how to put a.iso (game) on your jtag without the disc. This does require a jtag and a transfer cable. All of the links below. Jtag & RGH Tutorials escort, [TuT] How to play Original Xbox Games On a JTAG/RGH., escort in Jtag & RGH Tutorials.
Hello all simple tut on how to play orignal xbox games on a JTAG/RGH. First of all you're going to need a few things. • Xbox1 Hacked Compatability Files provided by Caveman. Download Links Below. • A FTP program such as Flash FXP, Cute FTP Ect. • A orignal xbox game of your choice for this I'm using black. • exiso-GUI Ok so first you need to download the files by Now connect your Xbox 360 HDD to your PC this can be done in a few ways either via FTP, SATA, or transfer cable.
Once connected you will see this. Open Hdd1 and go to this folder. Now put the files what you downloaded into here. Once you have done that it should look like this. Now in the root of HDD1 make a folder and name it Xbox1 so it looks like this. This is where you will put all off your Xbox Original games. Now we need the ISO, For this do as you would with any Xbox 360 ISO JTAG rip it using exiso-GUI.
Open exiso-GUI and locate the folder you want to RIP the ISO to. Next click add ISO. And click copy $ystem update folder. Then click the big GO button at the bottom.
Once you have pressed that you should see something like this. Wait for the ISO to rip this shoudn't take that long usualy around 5mins depending on how many files the game has and your pc/laptop. Once it has done you will see a window like this. Note there is no notifaction sound to say it has completed so keep a eye on it. Now all we need to do is copy the game over to the folder we made eariler on your HDD like you would with any other game you rip. This can be done via USB or FTP.
I prefare to use FTP as it's faster. Once the game has finshed transfering close down your FTP program and reboot your JTAG/RGH. Now once you have rebooted make a new game path to the Xbox1 loacation on your HDD and set the scan to 10 so it looks like this. Once you have got this setup go to your Xbox Classic tab. Once your in here you should now see your game like this. Now simply press play like any other game and your done.
Conflict Desert Storm 3 Game here. Now you can enjoy all your orignal xbox classics all over again.
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