Abap Gui_upload Excel File
Gunakan function module GUI_DOWNLOAD untuk mengunduh file excel dengan header line. Line code-nya bisa dilihat dibawah ini. REPORT ydownloadwithheader NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_data, store(15), book(30), author(30), amount(7) TYPE p, price TYPE dmbtr, total TYPE dmbtr, curr TYPE waers, END OF ty_data. Wild Game Innovations Camera Drivers there. DATA: t_data TYPE ty_data OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: BEGIN OF wa_header, name TYPE c LENGTH 30, END OF wa_header. DATA: t_header LIKE TABLE OF wa_header.
The cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload abap method is used to upload a file into SAP. Hong Kong Mahjong Pc Game. This is supposed to be the recomended way of uploading files into SAP but to. Download excel file with leading zeros using GUI_DOWNLOAD in SAP ABAP-Many SAP consultants facing the issue, when we download data into GUI and the leading zeros are.
PERFORM f_process_data. PERFORM f_download. *&---------------------------------------------------------- *& Form F_PROCESS_DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------- FORM f_process_data.
*fill data t_data t_data-store = 'Gramedia'. T_data-book = 'Negeri 5 Menara'.
T_data-author = 'A. T_data-amount = 1000. T_data-price = 50000.
T_data-total = t_data-amount * t_data-price. T_data-curr = 'IDR'. APPEND t_data. T_data-store = 'Eureka'. T_data-amount = 1000. T_data-price = 50000.
T_data-total = t_data-amount * t_data-price. APPEND t_data. *set header APPEND 'STORE' TO t_header.
APPEND 'BOOK' TO t_header. APPEND 'AUTHOR' TO t_header. APPEND 'AMOUNT' TO t_header. APPEND 'PRICE' TO t_header. APPEND 'TOTAL' TO t_header.
APPEND 'CURRENCY' TO t_header. ' F_PROCESS_DATA *&------------------------------------------------------------ *& Form F_DOWNLOAD *&------------------------------------------------------------ FORM f_download.
DATA: lv_filename TYPE string, lv_path TYPE string, lv_fullpath TYPE string, lv_result TYPE i, lv_default_fname TYPE string, lv_fname TYPE string. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog EXPORTING window_title = 'File Directory' default_extension = 'XLS' initial_directory = 'D: ' CHANGING filename = lv_filename path = lv_path fullpath = lv_fullpath user_action = lv_result. Lv_fname = lv_fullpath. Sony Vegas 7 Keygen Generator there. *download file in excel CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING bin_filesize = ' filename = lv_fname filetype = 'DAT' TABLES data_tab = t_data fieldnames = t_header EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_write_error = 2 invalid_filesize = 3 invalid_table_width = 4 invalid_type = 5 no_batch = 6 unknown_error = 7 OTHERS = 8. ' F_DOWNLOAD.
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