The Use Of Fixed Stars In Astrology Pdf
Intro to Fixed Stars “Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the. This section contains articles explaining, describing and interpreting fixed star astrology and why it is worth taking a closer look. Constellations, Fixed Stars and the Zodiac in Islamic Astronomy. Adobe Photoshop Cs4 Stonehenge Yahoo. Astrology, which could be defined as reading the stars, emerged as a type of prophecy.
The Full Text of My Thesis. This thesis is dedicated to all men and women who have contributed to the knowledge of astronomy and astrology with the noble aim of enlightening us for a better life on this planet and for the progress and upliftment of civilization Throughout the centuries, people have looked to the stars to help them navigate across open oceans or featureless deserts, know when to plant and harvest, and preserve their myths and folklore. Ancient peoples used the appearance or disappearance of certain stars over the course of each year to mark the changing seasons. To make it easier to 'read' this celestial calendar, they grouped the brighter stars into readily recognizable shapes, the constellations from the dawn of time to eternity.
Robson 1923, Ascella Publications, UK, ISBN: 1 898503 50 8. The influence of the fixed stars differs from that of the planets in being much more dramatic, sudden and violent. As a rule planetary effects are gradual and operate comparatively slowly, one might almost say softly, whereas the stars appear to exercise most of their influence in sudden, hard, vehement bursts, producing tremendous effects for short periods, and, after raising the natives to a great height, dropping them suddenly and bringing a series of dramatic and unexpected disasters. In other words the fixed stars may elevate from poverty to the extreme height of fortune. Whereas the planets do not do so.
It may be taken as a fairly well-established rule that the stars do not operate alone, except perhaps in those cases where they are situated on angles, and that their chief effect is transmitted by the planets. They seem to form an underlying basis upon which the horoscope is built, and if a planet falls upon a star its effect is greatly magnified, giving it a prominence in the life that is quite unwarranted by its mere position and aspects in the map.
Cases are known to all astrologers in which a certain planet in a horoscope seems to be emphasized for no apparent reason, so that it acts drastically throughout the life, and in a case such as this there is usually a. As already pointed out the fixed stars give strength and energy to the planets and modify their effects but at the same time the nature of the planet exercises a strong controlling influence upon the result.
The greatest effect is obtained when the star and planet are both of the same nature, and in such cases the influence of the planet is raised to a vehement pitch, though at the same time the malefic effect of the star is diminished. Thus if the planet Mars fall upon a star of its own nature its power is increased; if upon a star of the nature of Jupiter or Venus it is reduced and modified; while if upon one of the nature of Saturn it is greatly changed. In other words if a planet falls upon a star of similar nature to its own it acquires intensity, while if upon one of contrary nature it becomes quiescent or distorted and may give a kind of sodden or dull effect to the character. This is an important consideration and should not be forgotten. Where To Xbox 360 Games Jtag. The result of the effect of a star upon a planet depends largely upon the strength or weakness of that planet in the horoscope. Thus in a map showing great ability and high position the success attained by the aid of a star will be of a more lasting nature than in one where this is not indicated.
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