Geeta Saar In Hindi Pdf
गीता सार, हिंदी में - Gita Saar in Hindi with English Translation. Gita Saar, Gita Saar In Hindi, Gita Ka Saar, Geeta Saar In Hind, Geeta Saar. आप यहाँ पर श्रीमदभागवत गीता का.
( Here below is the brief essence of the Philosophy of. Teachings of Bhagwat Gita were given by Lord Krishna, the God Himself to his disciple Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra in Haryana State of India. These teachings were given more than 5000 years ago but these are still relevant today in our lives. ) • अतीत में जो कुछ भी हुआ, वह अच्छे के लिए हुआ, जो कुछ हो रहा है, अच्छा हो रहा है, जो भविष्य में होगा, अच्छा ही होगा. अतीत के लिए मत रोओ, अपने वर्तमान जीवन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करो, भविष्य के लिए चिंता मत करो • (Whatever happened in the past, it happened for the good; Whatever is happening, is happening for the good; Whatever shall happen in the future, shall happen for the good only. Do not weep for the past, do not worry for the future, concentrate on your present life.) • जन्म के समय में आप क्या लाए थे जो अब खो दिया है? आप ने क्या पैदा किया था जो नष्ट हो गया है? Hp Scanjet 3400c On Vista there.
Addictive Drums Installer. जब आप पैदा हुए थे, तब आप कुछ भी साथ नहीं लाए थे. आपके पास जो कुछ भी है, आप को इस धरती पर भगवान से ही प्राप्त हुआ है. आप इस धरती पर जो भी दोगे, तुम भगवान को ही दोगे. हर कोई खाली हाथ इस दुनिया में आया था और खाली हाथ ही उसी रास्ते पर चलना होगा. सब कुछ केवल भगवान के अंतर्गत आता है. • ( What did you bring at the time of birth, that you have lost? What did you produce, which is destroyed?
You didn't bring anything when you were born. Whatever you have, you have received it from the God only while on this earth. Whatever you will give, you will give it to the God. Everyone came in this world empty handed and shall go the same way. Everything belongs to God only.).
This video is about Bhagvad Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 35 Hindi. I am going to record all the adhyay of Bhagvad Geeta in English, Gujarati and hindi. Please try to listen entire geeta day by day, you can become a successful and nice person. This is just This video is about Bhagvad Gita Adhyay 2 Shlok 35 Hindi. A small effort by me to spread geeta in the entire world, unknowingly if I make any mistake, I apologise.
I never intend to hurt anyone's religious feeling Thank you. Please share this video to all the people in the world. Mr Fingers Can You Feel It Midi File on this page. This video is about 1 bhagwad gita saar hindi, 2 bhagwad gita in hindi pdf, 3 bhagwad gita free download, 4 bhagwad gita in english, 5 bhagwad gita book, 6 bhagwad gita pdf, 7 bhagwad gita shlok, 8 bhagwad gita in gujarati, 9 bhagvad gita adhyay, 10 adhyay 11 gita, 12 mahabharat, 13 bhagvad, 14 shrikrishna, 15 arjun, Sahil patel Status Sahil v/s Kajol Attitude You tube Video.
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