Bentel J408-8 Installation Manual
Designed and made according to EN54 and EN12094-1 standards (with J400-EXT extinguishment module), the J424-8 is a microprocessor based control panel for medium and large applications. It has 8 zones main board and supports two J400-EXP8 expander modules, for a total of 24 zones and 512 devices (maximum 32 in each zone). Each detection zone is equipped with an alarm repeat output for selective alarm management in the event of fire. The control panel has supervised and silenceable alarm outputs for the control of the selfpowered sirens, piezoelectric sirens, fire bells, flashers, telephone diallers, etc. This easy-to-use control panel is protected by a lockable frontplate which allows operational access to authorized personnel only. The J424 control panel is also available with a backlit display, which shows all the information regarding the control panel status. The optional Console Software in Windows™ environment, allows full systems management of events memory, files, reset and all the programmable functions provided by the control panel.
Installation manual. The FC200/SL Slave panel must have the BENTEL BA424. Installation of these systems must be carried out strictly in accordance with the. BENTEL SECURITY srl nu este responsabil pentru folosirea. Centralele de incendiu tipul, J408-8, J408-4 si. Alarma a fost generata manual de la buton. 8 BENTEL USER MANUAL [User Code 1] + [ ]+[ View Logger ]+ [ ] 1. Microsoft Visio Bpmn Stencil. The system alarm memory will be store up to 256 events circular ( 128 on Kyo 4/.
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