Xcodebuild Install App To Simulator S
Running application tests for iOS using xctool with XCode 6 Beta 5 fails. This worked with XCode 6 Beta 4. Export DEVELOPER_DIR='/Applications/Xcode6-Beta4.app/Contents/Developer' /xctool.sh -workspace.xcworkspace -scheme test -sdk iphonesimulator8.0 Result: [Info] Collecting info for testables. (1542 ms) run-test appTests.xctest (iphonesimulator8.0, application-test) [Warning] Tried to install the test host app 'com.domain.app' but failed. (51 ms) [Info] Preparing test environment failed; will retry 2 more times (0 ms) [Info] Stopped any existing iOS simulator jobs to get a fresh simulator.
Simctl: Control iOS Simulators from. We can easily install our app inside simulator from command line if. Collie Buddz 2007 Album. We need to build the app using xcodebuild to get. Simctl: Control iOS Simulators from. We can easily install our app inside simulator from command line if. We need to build the app using xcodebuild to get. Software Data Structures In C Gs Baluja Pdf Writer.
(120 ms) [Info] Reset iOS simulator content and settings at path '/Users/jenkins/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/BD4FCA64-F2E1-4A49-9DBF-A3F1A5E6E897/data' (103 ms) [Warning] Tried to install the test host app 'com.domain. Worms Ultimate Mayhem Crack Fix Errors. app' but failed. (15 ms) [Info] Preparing test environment failed; will retry 1 more time (0 ms) [Info] Stopped any existing iOS simulator jobs to get a fresh simulator. (120 ms) [Info] Reset iOS simulator content and settings at path '/Users/jenkins/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/BD4FCA64-F2E1-4A49-9DBF-A3F1A5E6E897/data' (120 ms) [Warning] Tried to install the test host app 'com.domain.app' but failed. (12 ms) [Warning] Preparing test environment failed. (0 ms) -[TEST_BUNDLE FAILED_TO_START] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a problem starting the test bundle: Simulator 'iPhone 4s' was not prepared: Failed for unknown reason. ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- X -[TEST_BUNDLE FAILED_TO_START] (0 ms) (0) -[APICompletionHandlerTests testBlockCallsLogoutAppropriately].cut out all other tests fail.
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