Windows Phone Xap Deployer
I really sorry if there are another tutorials about this, but I wanna shared this easy method to deploy any xap you want, especially root and interop unlock tools. NOTE: This tutorial is oriented to people with low-requeriment PCs like x86 SO or small tablets. I always recommend to install Visual Studio + SDK Windows Phone 8.1/Windows 10 Mobile if your PC can support them. You can skip download lite SDKs if you have VS installed.
NOTE 2: Make sure your PC has installed Net Framework 4.5.1. If not, and install. What do you need? Windows Phone SDK 8.0 Lite:. Windows Phone SDK 8.1 Lite: 3. WPV XAP Deployer Tool: What should do you do? Extract compressed files into each folder.
Open WP8 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.0 folder and start InstallWP8SDKToolsLite.bat file. Do not run as administrator. When CMD dialog shows, press ENTER. All dialog confirmations press yes. Hdclone Enterprise Full. Tecmo Cup Football Game Smd.
When it finishs, press ENTER again. Do the same in step 2 and 3 but with the WP8.1 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.00 folder and InstallWP81SDKToolsLite.bat file. Now open WPV XAP Deployer 2.0 folder and run WPV XAP Deployer. Press Add Xap Files button. A dialog windows is shown; select XAPs you want to deploy. Press Deploy.
Install windows phone sdk 8.0 di PC agan, download sdk nya di sini>download passwor zipnya win10mobilefans download wpv xap deployer di sini>downlod Di wp agan. I don't know anything is about XAP Deployer, I just found it here while browsing on Internet. Someone please tell me what exactly it is and why it is using?
Remember, your phone must be in Developer Mode (in case you have installed Windows 10 Mobile) or Developer Unlocked (if you have Windows Phone 8.1 in device) for successfully deploying. I hope this tutorial can help you to deploy easily your XAPs.
AppDeployCmd.exe has the following syntax: AppDeployCmd.exe The following table describes the command-line options for AppDeployCmd.exe. You can install or reinstall an app on the target device, or you can update an app that's already installed. To keep data or settings saved by an app that's already installed, use the update options instead of the install options. Option Description Specifies the command to run. This option has one of the following values. Conan Ultimate Edition 3 Cd.
Option Description /install Installs the app on the target. This option requires the app filename argument. /installlaunch Installs and runs the app on the target. This option requires the app filename argument. /update Updates the app already installed on the target. This option requires the app filename argument. /updatelaunch Updates and runs the app already installed on the target.
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